Car repair and Pickerl check have become more expensive, according to Arbeiterkammer sample price monitor.
The prices for a car repair or the annual motor vehicle sticker check have risen compared to the previous year, a recent AK Stichproben-Preismonitor shows.
Between April 26 and May 11, the AK took a close look at 37 automotive repair shops in Vienna for its price monitor.
Car repairs and sticker checks are more expensive
The prices for a car repair or service have risen by 2.9 and 3.6 percent, respectively, compared to 2021. Depending on the damage, the mechanic and the brand of car, motorists have to pay between 105 and around 301 euros for a repair at a mechanic’s shop. For e-cars, prices range from 120 to just under 219 euros. Compared with 2021, costs have risen particularly sharply for plumbers and painters. Here, the price increase is over 5 percent.
The prices for the license plate have also risen compared to the previous year: For gasoline-powered cars, the pickerl costs an average of 4.1 percent more, and for diesel-powered cars, 4 percent more. Depending on the workshop, the sticker check costs between 43.90 and 108.40 euros. The average cost is 76.49 euros.
- source: APA/picture: Bild von Hannes Edinger auf Pixabay
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